See it. Name it. Change it.

Together, we can stop intimate partner violence in Ottawa

See It, Name It, Change It is an educational campaign against intimate partner violence. We help people learn what intimate partner violence is, what it looks like and how to stand up to it. Together, we can build a safer Ottawa for everyone.

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Learn what intimate partner violence is and how to spot it.

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Call out intimate partner violence when you see it (while staying safe).

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Build a safer community through talking, teaching, and challenging violence.

See it: what does intimate partner violence look like?

Intimate partner violence (IPV) is when someone harms the person they’re in an intimate relationship with. Intimate relationships are usually romantic and/or sexual, such as dating or marriage. They can be more private and intense than friendships, making IPV harder to notice and stop. Below are 18 examples of what IPV can look like.

Name it: how do we call out intimate partner violence?

Calling out intimate partner violence is a step towards building a safe community for everyone. It can be difficult to know what to do, so remember the 5 D’s:

Direct: Approach or challenge the person about their behaviour, if it feels safe to do so
Distract: try and move their attention to something else
Delegate: get help from another person or emergency/support services
Delay: sometimes it’s best to help the victim after the violence
Document: consider taking photos or video as evidence (don’t share it online)

Learn more about the 5 D’s on our stand up to violence page or download our guide.

Change it: ending intimate partner violence in Ottawa

Change won’t happen overnight, but every time you call out violence you’re helping to create a better community for everyone.

Keep calling it out

This can mean using the 5 D’s, checking in on victims or reporting to the police.

Teach & talk to others

Have safe, open discussions with people you know about intimate partner violence.

Learn & get support

Find a list of resources, services and crisis lines on the Ottawa Victim Services website.

Understanding intimate partner violence in Ottawa

It can be harder to tackle intimate partner violence in urban areas like Ottawa because of things like:

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Higher cost of living

Housing prices and rental costs in urban areas are often very high. This can trap victims in abusive relationships because they don’t have the money to live on their own.

Culture & equality

Urban areas often have diverse populations. Some cultures are less likely to talk about or report intimate partner violence. They may also worry about discrimination from support services.

Language barriers

Diverse populations often speak multiple languages. If English or French isn’t someone’s first language, it might be hard for them to find support or resources.

Icon drawing of two hands clasping in a handshake.

Lack of community

People in cities often move around a lot, making it harder to maintain community ties. Cultural and language barriers are also common. This makes it more likely that victims will be isolated from support.

Waiting times for services

There are lots of support services in urban areas, but there are also lots of people. High demand for services like financial aid or therapy means it can take a while to get help.


increase in intimate partner violence charges from 2021-22 according to the Ottawa Police Service.


reports of intimate partner violence in 2022 — an increase of 159 from the previous year.


In March 2023 the City Council & Ottawa Police Service declared intimate partner violence to be an epidemic in Ottawa.

The Origin Story

The “See It, Name It, Change It” campaign has been adapted and urbanized from the original rural-based initiative developed by the Lanark County Interval House & Community Support (LCIHCS). First launched in 2017 in response to a tragic series of seven murders in rural eastern Ontario between September 2015 and February 2016, this campaign addresses the growing crisis of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) through education, awareness, and action. In 2022, LCIHCS relaunched the campaign to honour the inquest into the femicides of Carol Culleton, Anastasia Kuzyk, and Nathalie Warmerdam, three women tragically murdered by their former partner in Renfrew County in 2015. Today, this adapted initiative seeks to address Ottawa’s urban IPV epidemic with the same commitment to ensuring safety and empowerment. The concept is simple, when you see violence, you must name the violence and then you can change it.

About the SINICI Ottawa Campaign

The See It, Name It, Change It (SINICI) Ottawa campaign was launched in response to the increasing intimate partner violence in Ottawa. The campaign is led by Ottawa Victim Services, a not-for-profit organization supporting the local community since 1998.

SINICI provides information and guidance on safely standing up to intimate partner violence. We also educate people about intimate partner violence in Ottawa specifically, with the aim of creating a safer community for all.